
Nureply is the AI-powered software that turns cold email outreach into a scalable solution that generates more leads and sales.

Nureply - convert leads to customers with ai powered cold emails

Cold email marketing is dead! Wrong… 

It’s still the quickest and most cost effective method to get more sales.

  • 95% deliverability
  • 50% open rates
  • 5% click-through rates

These numbers are what you should expect from a well executed cold email campaign. If you’re not getting these results at scale, you’re sitting on a gold mine of missed opportunities.

What does more sales mean for your business?  Perhaps something like this:

  • 10 new sales = $10,000
  • 100 new sales = $100,000
  • 1000 new sales  = $1,000,000

And that’s only based on a measly $1k per client (it’s usually higher). For most people that’s a game-changer.

Cold email marketing can be “the solution” that helps you get there.

IF… you have the RIGHT tools and processes in place.

In the past, to execute a successful cold email campaign you needed a server guy, a cold email expert, and a growth marketer to make it happen (hopefully).

Today… All you need is Nureply!

TL;DR - Key Features

Simple Setup Process

Start your email marketing campaigns in 3 simple steps. Simply connect your emails, start your warm-up process, and start getting NuReplies 😉

Built for Scale

Nureply removes limitations that prevent you from scaling by providing unlimited email sending accounts, warm-ups, and sequences.

First Line Personalization & AI Email Writer

Improve deliverability and response rates with first line personalization using websites or LinkedIn. And content personalization using the Email Writer.

AI-Powered + Smart Automation​

Eliminate the complexities behind cold email. Incorporate AI features like personalized icebreakers and automations like triggered follow-ups.


Use the unified inbox to ensure you never miss a hot lead or reply.

Alternative to:

Instantly, Mailshake, SmartLead, Snov


Nureply makes it simple to start, manage, and scale successful cold email marketing campaigns.

Let’s recap. Here’s what you’re getting:

  1. Extremely generous sending limits for a cold outreach tool on lifetime deal
  2. AI First-line Personalization Credits – Nureply has a strong focus on this AI and its use in cold outreach.
  3. Unlimited Email Accounts Connected – crazy, right?!
  4. Unlimited Warmups – start warm-up within minutes.
  5. Unlimited Lead Uploads / Contacts Storage – this is where others getcha!
  6. Unlimited Email Sequences / Follow-ups – send send send.
  7. Unlimited Campaigns – we can never have enough.
  8. And Multinbox (Unified Inbox) – because missed opportunities shouldn’t happen.

In short, no other platform of such high caliber currently offers a lifetime deal with these features and limits.

Unsurprisingly, there aren’t many tools like Nureply available on the market and none currently running an LTD. Why?

Because building a comprehensive cold email marketing solution is both expensive and difficult.

So if you’re looking for a sign…

This is IT. The unfair advantage you can leverage in 2024 and beyond. 

Nureply is a cost-effective alternative to platforms like Instantly and Snov.

Nureply Comparison

This alone is reason enough to drop everything you’re doing right now to grab this deal. Right???

But let’s say you’re not just in it for the incredible value. Maybe you don’t want to put this LTD on the shelf. Great!

We know Rocketeers (like you) actually want to use it to:

  • Warm up emails
  • Send personalized cold emails
  • Reach more prospects
  • Get more sales
  • Or provide a service to clients (IYKYK! You get the same FB and LI messages I do) 

Well…That’s exactly what Nureply was built for… to help you cash in on cold email marketing.

Why Choose Nureply?

Nureply LP 04 1

Nureply solves the only hurdle between you and a scalable revenue channel. 

It gets your emails delivered at scale! 

How does Nureply make this happen? 

Step 1 – Eliminate Poor Deliverability 

Nureply’s features like email warm-ups, hyper-personalization, and AI-powered email generation will increase your deliverability rates.

Step 2 – Scalable Options

Cold outreach conversions are highly dependent on volume for profitability. We’re not talking about sending 1,000 emails per month or even 10,000. Use Nureply to send 30k, 60k, or 150k emails per month based on the plan you choose.

Step 3 – Smart Automations and Integrations

Manage the process at scale with features like drip campaigns, trigger-based email automations, an unified inbox, and real-time analytics. Couple that with CRM and Zapier integration.

Nureply Use Cases

Nureply Use Cases

Whether you’re a SaaS company who needs to onboard more users or an agency owner that needs to book more sales calls, Nureply is right for you.

Here are just some of teams already using Nureply:

  • Sales Teams: Book more calls with highly targeted prospects by using hyper-personalization first lines and sending timely automated emails using triggers.  
  • Marketing Professionals: Run cold email marketing campaigns to build a warm list of subscribers. Use this list to market your products for greater sales.
  • Recruiters: Source top talent efficiently by engaging with potential candidates on a personal level, increasing response rates, and applicant quality.
  • SaaS Companies: Run targeted marketing campaigns to acquire more users. Integrate different data sources like website information or LinkedIn to improve conversion rates. 
  • Startups: Launch cold email marketing campaigns to find angel investors to fund your startup. Or better yet, customers! 

Get lifetime access to Nureply today!

Nureply LP 05 Testimonials

Want to See Nureply in Action? Watch the Demo Video Below 👇

Watch our interaction with Nureply's Founder below 👇 (Webinar)

Plans and Features

Deal Terms

  • Lifetime access to Nureply
  • You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase
  • 30-day money-back guarantee, no matter the reason

Features Included in All Plans

  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Unlimited Email Warmup
  • Unlimited Cold Email Sequences
  • Personalized Sequences and Email Body Writer (5 AI Line Credits per use)
  • CSV Bulk File Personalization & CSV Imports
  • Multinbox / Unified Inbox
  • CRM & Zapier Integration
  • Webhooks

License Tier 1

RH-Starter Plan
(maps to STARTER plan)
$ 79
One Time Purchase
  • All features above included
  • 30K Email Sends / month
  • 500 AI Lines / month
  • API Access

License Tier 2

RH-Growth Plan
(maps to GROWTH plan)
$ 149
One Time Purchase
  • All features above included
  • 60K Email Sends / month
  • 2000 AI Lines / month
  • API Access

License Tier 3

RH-Pro Plan
(maps to GROWTH plan)
$ 299
One Time Purchase
  • All features above included
  • 150K Email Sends / month
  • 4000 AI Lines / month
  • API Access

License Tier 4

Osman Exclusive Edition
$ 994* One-Time Purchase
  • All Features Above Included
  • 999,994 Email Sends/month
  • 9,994 AI Lines/month
  • API Access
  • No Discount Applicable & Non-refundable; Only 24 Licenses Will be Sold

Frequently Asked Questions

In short, no other platform offers all this at this lifetime deal prices:

  1. AI Personalization – they have a heavy focus and background in this space.
  2. Unlimited Email Accounts Connected
  3. Unlimited Warmups
  4. Unlimited Lead Uploads / Contacts
  5. Unlimited Email Sequences
  6. Unlimited Campaigns
  7. And an Unified Inbox
  8. Highest sending limits for a lifetime deal of similar caliber

Credits do not roll-over.

AI Line Credits for first line personalization use up 1 credit per line. 

AI Email Writer uses 5 AI Line Credits per use.

Yes, you can always get additional credits by contacting Team Nureply if you exceed the ones in your current plan or have to spend more in a single month before renewal.

Here is the special price for each tier:

0,03$/credit on Starter
0,026$/credit on Growth
0,02$/credit on Pro plan

To purchase the credits, pls get in touch with Team Nureply on and mention you came from RocketHub.


Our AI powered icebreaker first lines take seconds to be generated. On average it takes around 20 seconds to generate 100 icebreaker first lines – 400% faster than other AI writing softwares and 1000% faster than a virtual assistant.

After purchasing you will get a unique redemption code within your Order Confirmation email. It will also contains Redemption Instructions. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions to redeem your purchase.

We offer a hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee. You can submit a refund request from your My Account dashboard once logged in – OR – you can email – with details and we’ll process the refund as soon as possible. Refund requests AFTER the 30-day period will not be provided under any circumstances.

Yes. To the extent that new features do not have a per-use cost or API usage cost or other substantial cost to the deal partner, they will be included in the respective plans. Example of features that has such additional costs could be a lead finder or prospect database, email verifier, or more expensive AI models.

The custom lifetime deal plans above are mapped to a corresponding standard monthly plans on the partner’s website.

If Plan name changes, deal will be mapped to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates.

Like any business, deal partners may update pricing, limits, and/or names of their public plans in the future but will always honor the plans and limits as shown here for lifetime deal license holders.

RocketHub does not support changing or upgrading your plan after purchase. We also do not currently support combining or stacking purchase codes. We recommend purchasing the tier that your business can grow into. 

And remember, once a RocketHub deal sells out or ends (whichever comes first), it’s gone.

Letter From the Founder

Hello Rocketeers 👋🏻 

Why I created Nureply? 

I’ve been a software developer for over a decade, spending most of my career creating solutions for myself and my clients. However, I had little experience in marketing. 

Everything changed when I launched my software agency. I faced significant challenges in finding new clients and began exploring alternative approaches. That’s when I discovered the concept of “Cold Email Outreach,” and it immediately struck a chord with me. 

While I understand that there are numerous alternatives in this dynamic market, I am confident in Nureply’s ability to stand out and address users’ needs firsthand. 

Cold outreach is our mission, and it’s a mission we’ve been on since the beginning of 2022. Our team, consisting of five dedicated individuals, is committed to enhancing this experience for those seeking to maximize the potential of AI applications and harness the power of human energy. We understand that this journey will be both long and exhilarating for all of us, and we are excited to witness where Nureply will take email outreach campaigns.

We have always been receptive to our users’ feedback and continuously improve Nureply based on their input, with over 2,600 of our users. We eagerly anticipate your feedback and can’t wait to see how you utilize Nureply to achieve your goals.

Thanks for checking out Nureply. I’m thrilled to launch Nureply and share it with you all today. While developing Nureply, I aimed to deliver several crucial benefits to our users: 

What you’ll get? 

Limitless Account Connection 

Easily connect all your mails and start creating your email sequences to expand your customer base. 

Higher Deliverability 

Achieve high deliverability through our advanced warm-up feature and receive valuable assistance from our dedicated customer support team, committed to your success. 

AI-Powered Personalization

In just seconds, generate AI powered personalization based on your lead’s Linkedin profile and company website, don’t waste your time scrolling over page to page and let it be automated with Nureply. 

AI-Powered Mail Templates 

If you’re new to cold outreach and need help crafting email templates, we’ve got you covered. Simply insert your company website, and let Nureply’s advanced AI write email templates for you.

– Onur Genes, Founder, Nureply

Lifetime Deal

(8 customer reviews)
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8 reviews for Nureply

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Reviewed by 35 customer(s)

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  • Avatar

    Bruce Martin

    Support is non existent

    Not sure if the founders abandoned this project. No responses for weeks.

    April 3, 2024
    Verified Review
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    Zain Rehan

    Buggy Tool

    Not satisfied as it has lot of bugs

    March 22, 2024
    Verified Review
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    Md Altiam Kabir

    An impressive cold email tool

    Liked Nureply so far. It is an impressive cold email tool with great features like personalized sequences, and AI powered email writing. The interface is user friendly. It’s a valuable tool for scaling up businesses and improving cold email marketing strategies.

    December 28, 2023
    Verified Review
  • Avatar

    Elma Pena

    Great cold email tool and very responsive founder

    I love nureply for the following reasons
    awesome support
    unlimited warm ups (it has a big email pool for warm ups)
    one click bulk personalisation
    cold email writing with AI
    custom tracking domain

    I made a couple of requests though
    be able to save campaign as draft
    be able to make changes on the AI prompts

    So far, it’s very solid and founder knows what he is doing. You can also check out our discussion on YouTube: https: ytlnureply

    As someone who works with clients to scale up their business, I find nureply to be one of the best tools to help me scale up businesses.

    December 24, 2023
    Verified Review
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    Carson Wittenberg

    Great software

    Wow, what great software from a great team.

    I love that the unified inbox notifies you via slack when there’s a new message. I always forget to check my cold email app for replies.

    Support response time is phenomenal and they’re constantly adding new features.

    I like that they actually listen to their users, and implement new features based on user feedback.

    Thanks Onur and team for the great software.

    December 11, 2023
    Verified Review
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    Kamrul Islam

    Love the product UI

    I’m impressed with Nureply and its UI so far. I have high hopes for this tool. If they could incorporate CRM, LinkedIn outreach, and trigger features, it would dominate the outreach market like Lemlist and Reply.

    December 2, 2023
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    Steven Guilpin

    Unmatched Email Deliverability and Limitless Flexibility

    Nureply has transformed my cold email strategy. Its ability to ensure high deliverability without ever landing in spam is remarkable. The lack of limits on the volume of emails and the number of accounts makes my campaigns incredibly flexible and extensive. It’s an invaluable tool for any effective email marketing strategy.

    November 17, 2023
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    Krasimir IVANOV


    If I have to be honest, I’m super happy and I want to congratulate RocketHub for this offer! Well done to them! Instantly can now be jealous, eh 🤪, a huge competitor is coming on the horizon !

    Well done also to the creators, everything is created with a lot of love and attention to detail, really. A top experience and for a little over 200, you have something that will cost hundreds of euros per month soon, if they manage to start the virtuous circle, but…

    ☝️ Very bad launch strategy in my opinion for people, certainly, very professional, but completely anonymous for the world of mailing software. Without imposing my opinion, but asking for the Credit Card to be able to test the tool is, kindly, a very bad idea. The strength for me of this type of software is above all the warmup pool, the more people there are, the more relevant the warmup… and not only that !

    A freemium is required ASAP with a few free emails accounts during warmup and thus create a minimum of 100,000 email accounts which communicate with each other.

    If not, I have just started using it and it’s a pleasure, thank you and congratulations once again 🙏

    November 14, 2023
    Verified Review

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Got a Question? Ask here.

6 months 16 days ago

Great tool, I see there is a limit of 150k emails on tier3, This means we can upload unlimited contacts but will be able to send 150k mails in total right?

Product Owner
6 months 15 days ago

Hi, Vatsal. That’s correct. On a monthly basis, you would be able to send 150K emails in tier 3 with the LTD

6 months 15 days ago

How many separate domains can we attach to a Tier and have separate Multinboxes for them ?

Product Owner
Onur Genes
6 months 14 days ago

Hey Francis, I am glad to inform you it is unlimited.

6 months 15 days ago

Unfortunate that you structured the deal the old school way with email sends instead of no. of prospects, like the best in the biz. 150k/mo won’t go that far for many. Gl though.

6 months 15 days ago

As far as I have seen, you cannot upload contacts directly to Nureply via API. Are there any plans to expand the functionality of the API?

Product Owner
Onur Genes
6 months 14 days ago

Hey Onay, actually you can. Just need to generate an API key and you can upload leads via API.

6 months 15 days ago

Is there an chrome app that integrates with gmail, or do all the email need to be sent from your platform? Wondering if I can send/track emails from my gmail account.

Product Owner
Onur Genes
6 months 14 days ago

Hey Andy, we want you to connect your account into Nureply so we can track everything in behlaf of you.

Rod Paris
6 months 14 days ago

Hello there, what is possible to do with API access ? Do you have specific use cases ? I’m just figuring out which tier I need 🙂

Product Owner
Onur Genes
6 months 14 days ago

Hey Rod, with API access you can add leads, create lead lists and many more without using Nureply’s dashboard. If you have automated systems, you should opt in to bigger packages.

6 months 14 days ago

Hi Karan,
I’d interested getting highest tier. I’d like to know if it comes with white label option or custom branding as an agency. Can i setup the sub-accounts with their own dashboard for my clients as well?

Product Owner
Onur Genes
6 months 14 days ago

Hey William, we don’t allow white labeling but we are gonna add sub account and workspace options soon.

6 months 13 days ago

can we send mails to cold contacts from purchased lists with our own SMTP?

Product Owner
6 months 11 days ago

Hi Ted – Yes. It does allow using your own SMTP.

If you purchase lists, I recommend running it through 2 email verifiers and only using those that pass fully.

6 months 12 days ago

I have few questions regarding warmup.

1) Is it unlimited domain?
2) How many warm up emails can you send a day max?
3) Can you adjust how emails you send per day yourself or?

Jad Farran
6 months 12 days ago

Is it possible to add team members to tier 3?

Product Owner
6 months 11 days ago

Hey Jad, Yes. You’ll be able to add team members soon. It’s in our development and when it’s released, this will be included for all tiers.

6 months 11 days ago

There’s a massive mismatch between the number of emails offered and the number of Ai credits.

If I send a 3 email sequence to 50k leads… only 4k of them get personalized lines and the other 46k contacts get generic trash.

3.5 turbo is super cheap, and getting cheaper, so there’s no reason for this weak offering.

Product Owner
6 months 11 days ago

Relatively speaking, no other cold email outreach tool offers this much AI Credits for quality first line personalization. We checked before launching the LTD and made sure it was the best in terms of limits. Said differently, you won’t find ANY comparable product with better limits.

It’s not just a simple call to OpenAi. Nobody can offer 50k or 100k or 200k first line personalizations. Go look at what people pay MONTHLY and how many lines they get in those plans (check leaders like Lyne which offer only 1200 lines for $120/MONTH). Why aren’t they offering 50k or 100k or 200k? Because it’s extremely costly to generate these. It’s not just a simple and cheap cost to OpenAi. There’s a lot more costs beyond that.

And those leaders are ONLY doing AI lines. Here you’re getting a robust cold email outreach software and a quantity of renewing AI Line Credits each month that is MORE than what those others offer for hundreds per month. Weak?

If offering 2x or 3x what their competitor offers for $120/MONTH for ONLY a ONE-TIME investment is a weak offering, then there’s no other facts or real-world comparisons that will convince you otherwise.

Gabor Imre
5 months 29 days ago

How much word is an AI line? Based on the video the first 2-3 lines of the first email is 3 AI lines? Or how it counts?

Dämaso Fonseca
6 months 7 days ago

only one Unified Inbox? If i need aditional Unified Inbox?

Product Owner
6 months 1 day ago

Hi Dämaso, Nureply has multiple inbox views and not just 1. You would be able to see all the inboxes inside.

6 months 4 days ago

Hi, if i get tier 3 and then in the month of december 2023 i send 150,00 emails by mid-way through the month, and then i want to send more after that still in december, how much would it cost to send another 150,000 emails more that month? thank you

Product Owner
6 months 1 day ago

Hi Timmy, if you exceed the number of emails then of course you would need to subscribe to a plan on In this current deal, you would be limited by 150K emails to be sent every month.

6 months 3 days ago

what’s the cost to add Ai credits?

is there a chunky discount for rockethubbers?

can we bring our own key? would it be limited to openai or can we add other llms too?

Product Owner
6 months 5 hours ago

1. Yes, you can always get additional credits by contacting Team Nureply if you exceed the ones in your current plan or have to spend more in a single month before renewal.

Here is the special price for each tier:

0,03$/credit on Starter
0,026$/credit on Growth
0,02$/credit on Pro plan

To purchase the credits, pls get in touch with Team Nureply on and mention you came from RocketHub.

2. Use ‘BLACKFRIDAY-20’ on checkout for 20% off!

3. Nope, not required to bring your own key as Nureply gives you the credits to use so you focus on core functions of Nureply 🙂

6 months 14 hours ago

Is it possible to load the leads by importing (from csv, xlxs etc.)? Or it’s just possible by manual entry?

Product Owner
6 months 6 hours ago

You can definitely import the leads from a .csv file and import it via a CRM like HubSpot as well.

Robert Loughman
5 months 28 days ago

new to this . Does the platform support spintax and if it does , is that going to take up A I credits?

Product Owner
5 months 24 days ago

Hi Robert – Yes, Nureply calls it variables, here is more info about this on their documentation:

No, this won’t take up your AI credits.

Nazmul Hoque
5 months 27 days ago

Is Tier 4 allows agency accounts?

Product Owner
5 months 21 days ago

Hi Nazmul – As communicated over email, if you are talking about looking at your client’s email account performance (when you carry out a campaign), that can be observed with the ‘Multi-Inbox’ section inside Nureply.

Luke Audsley
5 months 27 days ago


Product Owner
5 months 24 days ago

Hi Luke – Yes, Nureply calls it variables, here is more info about this on their documentation:

David VanWie
5 months 25 days ago

Are we able to connect Nureply to an external sender service, such as PostMark? We have 100,000/emails that have already been warmed and sending on PostMark IP’s, so we would rather not have to move to new IP’s.

Product Owner
5 months 24 days ago

Hi David, the support for Postmark will be added by next week to Nureply, post which you will be able to connect through.

Zack Ellington
5 months 25 days ago

Is it possible to add a BCC to an email sequence? If not, is this possible to request as an addon?

Product Owner
5 months 24 days ago

Hi Zack, yes it is possible.

5 months 21 days ago

Hi, is it possible to send emails via existing account on my gmail and also see the sent message on my gmail account and not only on your platform?

Product Owner
5 months 17 days ago

Hi Yochay – Nureply doesn’t have access to contacts on Gmail and they don’t get all the past emails. So, no, they can’t do that.

5 months 14 days ago

How many unique Prospects/contacts can I can upload with Tier 3 in a month OR overall?

5 months 13 days ago

hi team, my question is regarding to the email warm up. if I would like to warm up 10 accounts, each to be able to send 10k per day. so the question is, from where those warm up limits are counted? Are they going from my monthly limits? like am I limited with monthly limit quota? such as 30k 150k? or I can send millions, while warming up?

George Tumanishvili
5 months 9 days ago

very disappointing to wait here for days for the question to be answered,

Product Owner
5 months 5 days ago

Your question was already answered via your FB post. And as you can see every question here gets answered too.

Steve Z
5 months 11 days ago

Nureply roadmap suddenly disappeared. Why?

Steve Z
5 months 11 days ago

Updated: This issue has been resolved by the support.

5 months 10 days ago

Can it send to Gmail, Yahoo, or any free emails?

Product Owner
5 months 5 days ago

Yes. It can send to any type of emails. Though, that does not mean the receiving ESP (Gmail, Yahoo, or whomever) will guarantee receiving/deliverability as that is based on many factors such as:
– Your email accounts reputation
– The quality of your email accounts
– The copy / subject
– etc

So many factors are involved in cold email space.

5 months 9 days ago

Just bought it 8 hours ago. I don’t want to set a tracking domain. and I can’t access to personalization features; I want to access to personalization features without setting a custom tracking domain !! I need help

Product Owner
5 months 5 days ago

Your request seems like it should be possible. Please send a support ticket to the Nureply as these requests and assistance can only be handled by them not RocketHub.

The support email is above under Quick Links. They will help you. But please be patient as it’s Xmas holiday and a weekend – most teams will not be back in office until Tuesday/Wednesday.

5 months 9 days ago

. it’s working fine. I just find access to personalization without adding a custom tracking domain

Product Owner
5 months 5 days ago

Good to hear. Like I said above, please send a support ticket to the Nureply as these requests and assistance can only be handled by them not RocketHub.

The support email is above under Quick Links. They will help you. But please be patient as it’s Xmas holiday and a weekend – most teams will not be back in office until Tuesday/Wednesday.

5 months 2 days ago

how are you different from which is new to appsumo. Also can we send to personal emails like gmail and yahoo?

Jawad Hafeez
4 months 4 days ago

How can I purchase this tool for $120? Is it available?

Jawad Hafeez
4 months 4 days ago

My IP address is gonna be blacklisted How we solve this problem.

Faissal Chakir
1 month 20 days ago

Hi there. When I try to add my email account to nureply it sais SMPT error !! Do you have documentation for non Gmail/ Gsuite / Outlook accounts?